Steam Bending Woodwork

Refine your wood bending process with our versatile Steam Bending Side Bench Workstations, meticulously crafted to facilitate the curvature of moist wood. Available in Stand-Up Side Desk Designs for spacious convenience, Companion Designs for collaborative efforts, and Seated Inclusive Designs tailored for precise handling of smaller or elongated wood pieces.

Elevate your steam bending woodwork endeavours with our innovative Steam Bending Woodwork Auxiliary Bench or Companion Bench designs, each equipped with strategically placed perforated spaces for effortless dowel manipulation.

Ensure the stability of your workspace before starting on your steam wood bending journey. Prioritise safety protocols, then let the art form of steam wood bending guide you through an enriching and rewarding experience.

Our Steam Bending Woodwork Side Bench Workstations for their mess-free operation, eliminating the need for messy glue or clamps. Experience minimal material wastage and reduced spring back as you shape your wood creations, allowing for natural air drying.

Embrace the unpredictable nature of steam wood bending as you explore the possibilities offered by our customisable one-person or inclusive seated designed work stations

Please be advised: Properly test, secure or weigh down your steam bending bench to ensure safe and stable operation before use.

Want to Discuss Your Next Project?

The Total Sheet Metal team is more than happy to brainstorm and work with you to design your perfect solution. Contact us today to get started!

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